The Discussion Isle With Cheruu

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On our Discussion Isle we get to feature Cheruu (Lynn Masai). Cheruu a Nairobi based artist is a singer, songwriter, event organizer, recording and performing artist passionate about creating honest music that brings positivity, good vibes and storytelling to her listeners and her fans. She describes her music as lyrical and a feel good music for everyone who vibes and has an ear keen on harmonies. Having gained some skills that has helped her as an artist, Cheruu talks to us about her musical journey and the debut of her amazing EP which she recently dropped dubbed SOUL.

Kindly share the part of your story that you feel the public should know about Cheruu?

I don’t know this question is like so broad ata I don’t know how to answer it., but Cheruu is such a talent honestly, she is kindhearted and loves love. Her music has lots of harmonies. She is a very shy person(Yes!!!)

Was music what you always wanted to do while growing up?

No, I wanted to be an Astronaut. I knew that I could sing though, my dream changed when I got into high school and found music as a subject and everyone kept saying I have a great voice. There and then I thought I can actually be the next Beyoncé.

Who has helped you the most in your journey?

My family and SHLM my producer and best friend.

Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?

Ooh yeah!!! I have learned to be comfortable on stage, you know like stage presence. Cheruu transforms on the stage, and if she is having fun then everyone will have fun too.

What have been some of your greatest challenges so far?

My biggest challenge is I my introvert-ness and my non-chalan-tness in this industry where you need to interact with everyone, My shyness blocks me every time so that sucks, but I promise I am trying.

Better yet what have been your achievements?

I produced my own show ‘Between Friends’ and it was such a huge success…yoo! I love performing, Another one is started releasing music.. and my biggest achievement yet is my new ep “soul”. Alafu me saying ‘my name is Cheruu, singer-songwriter, performer, recording artist and event producer’ me being able to say that and mean/believe it is such an achievement to me. Coz there was a time I was just a singer.

How would you describe the music?

Mmmh!!! good question… I describe my music as feel good it feels good to be honest. It’s giving soul everything is based on soul.

What drew you to your preferred genre?

Eeh for this question! I would say this is how hivi ndio I express myself… whatever I’m doing right now ndio vile inatoka.. idk if I’m making sense.. I feel as though my music is different from like the genre soul.. its like soul mixed, with Indie, mixed with Alternative, so idk but I would say what drew me to this direction is my love for the 80’s soul and rock. I just love everything about the music from that era even then instrumentation, structure and harmonies..

How do you stay motivated and inspired to create new music?

Honestly writing keeps me sane, that’s my motivation to stay alive. And also all these feedback from like people who tell me that my music has helped them. That really inspires me to create more. I’ve always felt like I was made for greatness.. I don’t know maybe one day I will win a Grammy or be In the rock and roll hall of fame, and that can’t happen if I don’t share my art…you know.

Speaking of, Congratulations on your debut EP ‘Soul’, tell us how you came about it?

Thank you. I am so excited people are actually listening to my music. It came after years of doubt, tears ,love and like perseverance. I wanna shout out my best friend and producer SHLM who like really encouraged me to go through with this project. The project started in 2020 with my first ever song as a songwriter “Sema” and released it this year (2024). Honestly It still feels like a dream.. because I never thought it would come out so beautiful like this. Yaani I have amazing friends, these musicians helped me make this dream finally come true after all these years: SHLM, Nkatha Muthoni, Chris Barr, Paul Seth and Gitau Thuo. And btw my family biggest supporter. By the way fan fact I used to write some songs with my little brother and whenever he remembered a chorus of mine I knew it was gold.

What inspired the creation of the EP and what was the creation process like?

‘Soul’ was inspired life specifically my life. It was during Covid 2020 and everything was on hold. But for me I was going through a lot of depression juu one, my then broke up with me, and it was my last year in uni and I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life, alafu then every musician I knew was now active online…mmh! felt like I was behind at everything. Good thing is I had my guitar and I really did not know how to write a song (this is what I used to tell myself) all I knew was how to play basic chords and that’s it. One day I playing with those chords.. and the melody and words “seemma semmma”. I took myself back to the time before I broke up with my ex and the whole storyline just came out. I felt like he wasn’t feeling my vibe, and if you’ve listened to ‘Sema’ I’ve literally told you guys everything. From there I never had the intention of like making a project mimi I was learning how to write so I sent the draft to two of my best friends SHLM (who is my producer now) and Nkatha Muthoni( one of the songwriter I respect, plus yeye ni mnoma). Remember this is 2020 so SHLM was like (“Ooh I like the song have you ever thought of writing more?? When you have more you come we record that album”}. Nkatha really analyzed my songwriting and gave me feedback which was good and that gave me confidence that maybe I can actually be a songwriter.

Long story short.. that where I started …SHLM and Nkatha really opened my eyes and continued to write more and more. Since I feel in love with Sema I thought that could be the storyline of my album (I thought it would be an album coz trust me I’ve written many many songs) the story of how I fell in love, got heartbroken, accepted, self-love and finally finding peace. Each song has a story line;

My creation process starts with melody, I coin myself the queen of melodies by the way after the melody I figure out the storyline. Then chord chorus comes first then the worlds later. For all the songs the storyline came from my life. I needed to bring myself out of depression and songs like Sawasawa, Soul and River were born they are like a mantra to me.

Which is your favorite song thus far from the EP?

I love my babies equally. However the song ‘Sema’ is like my first born because it’s the song that started this project. It’s the song that made Cheruu a songwriter so it holds a special place in my heart.

Is there something you hope your fans take home from your songs?

Funny thing is its no longer a hope, my music is actually healing people. Some of them are going through tough times but when they listen to my ep is just calms them..  I love that I was able to make them feel that type of way… like I get them.. I understand them…for every song I put out there my hope is that someone feels something in the end.. if they wanna cry ..‘crryy’ =, if they wanna get high get ‘hiighh’ if you wanna feel peace, then feel it if they wanna dance then ‘dancee‘ yaaani I want them to feel my soul.

Where have you performed?

I have performed on my own curated shows mostly…also my work as a bgv has taken me to many stages as well.

What favorite venues would you wish to perform at?

In Kenya, Folk Fusion, Blankets and Wine, Geco Café hizo ni za “I have to start somewhere” but my dream is to perform around the world.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?  

Mmmh! choices ni mingi but Manana, Lisa-Oduor-Noah, Olivia Dean. I’ve seen them live recently so they are fresh in my mind.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

Ooh ‘kuna wengi’  Lauryn Hill, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, just to name a few. I admire their live performance. Did I mention I love performing, that’s why I admire musicians from the 80’s who did their music live– loove love …mmmh from this era I would say Olivia Dean, Miley Cyrus, Lisa-Oduor-Noah.

What do you do when your not making music?

I usually learn or take up a new skill when I’m not making music. Right now I’m learning Product design. I figured since I want an artist website of my own why learn how to do it.

Would you have any advice for would be artist or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps?

You know when they say ‘What you seek, seeks you too’ yeah I believe that I used to be worried with a lot of what ifs, what if people don’t like the type of song I put out… but you know what I love my songs and yoo!! Some people out here also love the type of material I put out.

Imagine you’ll find your people, just put your stuff out.

Lastly, What legacy do you hope to leave through your music?

 I hope to be timeless. I want my songs to resonate with listeners across generations.


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Samuel njehia
Samuel njehia
1 month ago

Beautiful songs and nice content man keep doing what you doing man it’s a game. Changer …maybe one day I will futured

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