PHY Taps Okello Max For Song To Honor Lives Lost in Recent Protest

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Kenyan songstress PHY has collaborated with Okello Max on a heartfelt new track, “Nitawakumbusha.” In the song, the singers capture the deep sense of grief felt by families who lost loved ones in the recent protests through reflective, empathetic lyrics and emotive vocal performances.

PHY’s lyrics take the perspective of a grieving mother burdened with regrets. She has witnessed the person she voted for making the decision that led to her son’s death. Okello Max, on the other hand, captures the viewpoint of the fallen son. He expresses his motivations for marching in the streets and his lack of regrets, even though it cost him his life.

PHY explains the inspiration behind the song, “This has been a revolutionary time for Kenya, with much-needed active participation by the youth. Sadly, people’s lives have been collateral. ‘Nitawakumbusha’ is what I imagine the heart of a grieving mother looks like. As a mother myself, I hope to lend my voice on behalf of the families of every courageous individual who went out to march and never came back home.”

The song’s evocative artwork was created by renowned photographer and all-round creative, Mutua Matheka. The audio was produced by the fast-rising Nigerian beatmaker JostopacBeatz while mixing and mastering were handled by Trevor Magak.

“Nitawakumbusha” is artivism in action. Each creative involved felt the need to use their art to support the cause. Together, they aim to call for justice and honor those who sacrificed their lives. This collaboration shows how art can drive social change and bring hope during tough times.

About PHY:

Phy is a Kenyan Afro-pop singer dedicated to authentic and intentional living. She creates music in a bold, conversational style, encouraging listeners to reflect and feel inspired. Through her phylosophy, she hopes to use her gifts and influence to provoke thinking and lead people to live authentically and for their God-given purposes.

Derrick Mulla

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