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On our latest segment of our ‘One on One’ today, we get to meet Meka Mungai, a strong independent woman who happens to be a music artist and a mother. We caught up with her via mail to get to know how her musical journey has been and her plans for future releases and gigs.

First of thank you for having an interview with us. Second how best would you describe yourself?

I would best describe myself as a strong, independent woman. Over the years, I have really evolved and become someone I am really proud of. 

How would you describe your music?

My music is fierce-hearted and bold, confident, vulnerable, and real. I usually draw from an authentic place, I like writing from experiences, or if not, creating stories in my head and going with that creativity. 

How and when did you make your debut in the music industry?

I made my debut in the music industry at a very young age, I was probably around 13-14 years old when I first started doing music seriously. At the time I barely knew anything and didn’t really understand where my career would skyrocket to. I started off as a background vocalist for the likes of Atemi, Eric Wainaina, and Silayio. They introduced me to a lot of the things I know now.

Who inspired you to make music?

I actually just started singing on my own, I didn’t really have any inspiration at the time because I was not aware that it would turn into something. I was just a kid, who liked to sing songs, like every other kid, you know? Then one time, I just happened to be around other singers and when they sang, I sang with them and everything came to me so seamlessly. I didn’t have to try at all. My mother told me I had a gift and a talent. Boy, wasn’t she right?

What sets your music apart? What is least uncommon about it?

What sets my music apart is probably my wordplay. Like I said earlier, I like to create stories if not draw from my own personal experience. For example, my first song was Pale Pale, written around 6years ago and I wrote that song standing in my kitchen. The beat just made me feel like I could create a song where a woman has seen a man she is interested in and the whole song is about contemplating whether she should speak to him and if so, how she should go about it/what are the certain options and steps she has to take and consider. Music creation is a magical experience. 

What does your music say about you?

What my music says about me, to be very honest, I don’t think I have yet uncovered what my music says about me. There is so much I have not yet revealed to the public eye because I believed I had more to write and record before I release it. So I would say there is much more to learn about me and we have barely scratched the surface with my music. When more of what I’ve been secretly working on comes out, you will understand what I mean. 

What do you enjoy most about being an artist?

What I really enjoy most about being a musician is the freedom. I feel most free when I sing. I feel alive. I feel there are no limitations to possibilities. I feel empowered to tap into the gift God gave me, I feel blessed, I feel determined to be more and I feel like I can truly make a difference in this world.

What’s the most challenging thing about being a music artist?

The most challenging thing about being an artist is being compared to other artists. It’s truly the worst. The music industry can easily “forget” you or label you without your permission. You often become the labels people put on you and you are no longer seen as an artist. It’s something I really had to combat, and I won! I will not be anything that anyone defines me to be. I am who I say I am and that’s on that.

When you create music, what is your personal goal?

Good question. When I create music, my personal goal is to share the emotions and workings behind the music, with the person listening to it. Music should make you feel free and if I can free someone by creating some good music for you, then I will live in the studio every day and make that happen! My personal goal is to free my listeners.

Speaking of music, it’s been 2years since your last single with Mayonde ‘Shika’. What is your current music project now?

My next project is quite the game-changer. I have been working on this for quite some time now and it is almost time to release it. I cannot speak on it due to confidentiality agreements but I promise you it will be worth the wait. Not having a single out for the last two years helped me navigate my voice, what I want to achieve and what I want to say. This next project does exactly that.

What are your plans for any future releases?

I have always been in love with documentaries and live shows. You can expect more of that in the future. Talking about it now gives me goosebumps. I’ve got lots in store!

You are signed under the Taurus Musik Management. How has your musical journey been under the management?

I am no longer signed to Taurus Music Management and that’s all I will say about that.

Of your own music, do you have a favorite? If so, can you pin down why it is your favorite?

My favorite is a tag of war between Pale Pale and 24 ft Kagwe Mungai. Those two are my absolute favorites, it’s hard to choose from. I love them most because they really show sides of my personality and they also get you moving! The words are easy and catchy, they stay in your mind and system easily and they don’t lose life even years after they have been released. I truly enjoy that!

What draws you to your preferred genre?

I have many sounds I am drawn to, like pop, RnB, hip hop, soul. I am drawn to what makes me feel something in my soul. I mean deeply in my soul. There is a feeling that music gives you in your gut that really brings out a lot of emotions. I like tapping into those genres that awaken my soul and help me become a better musician and a better songwriter. I know I will be great and I have a long way to go, but the journey is definitely worth it!

How do you advertise your music?

I advertise my music on various platforms like Boomplay, Mdundo music, Deezer, SoundCloud, Youtube, and Apple Music. Social media also helps quite a lot. When people catch wind of my new music, they always share it and show a lot of support.

Apart from music, are you creative in other disciplines?

Yes, I am very creative in other areas. I am obsessed with fashion. I someday desire to own a fashion store, selling sneakers for women and men, a baby clothing store, and if I can truly reach further an accessories boutique! 

In your Instagram bio, it states that you’re a mother? How do you balance motherhood and you being a music artist?

Balancing motherhood and music is the perfect marriage. I thoroughly enjoy being a mum. It is the best gift God could ever give me. I would never trade it for anything. It has made me more of the woman I am today and shaped me quite a bit. My daughter is the epitome of goodness and all things pure. She defined me as a woman and opened my eyes to evolving with the changes and being unafraid. Music simply merges with that. There is no strain, no disappointments, no worry. It really is the perfect marriage and has truly inspired my upcoming projects. That’s why it’s imperative that I take my time before releasing anything just yet. My target audience also includes young mothers like myself!

What can we expect from you within the coming days? Any releases planned? Future gigs?

Yes, you can expect new things and I am very excited about what’s in store! 

Would you like to collaborate with anyone? If so who and why?

At the moment no. I am quite happy working with what I have because it is truly so personal to me. I want to give my audience a body of work that is fully inspired by my own voice. My desire to collabo with other artists is there, it’s just not the fuel to my fire at the moment. 

What are your ambitions as a songwriter and musician from here?

My ambitions as a songwriter and musician from here are to show strength, resilience and to share my experience with everyone. I am blessed to have come this far and favored by God to be going where I am going. There is so much in store. My ambition is to never stop till we get to the top! 

Of course, we can’t let you go without asking you this, In your own opinion how do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

The internet is such a huge driving force in the music industry. Without it, we wouldn’t be as far as we are, or even know music all around the world. It unites people. Music is universal, so it is only fitting that the internet is part of that collaborative reach in unity. We would not know music in S.A or in the Carribean if we didn’t have the source to help us reach different cultures and expose us to the global market. For this reason alone, we are actually blessed to have the internet.

Lastly, What is one message you would give to your fans?

One message I would give to my fans is GET READY! 

Social Media handles! Where can people reach you and your music

Social Media handles: You can find me on;

Instagram as mekamungaimusic

SoundCloud as Meka Mungai

Youtube as Trina Mungai.


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