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There is no happy ending, no fairytale,nothing like a first love will wake you up kiss, all that is just bullshit, when it comes to love.

One day, their was this girl, lets name her Q and her boyfriend, R, of 6/7 years, and she always told me that her relationship was smooth, happy and no fights, i mean, and when there was one which was rare, she told me that it was the guy, who was always messing up, or probably making the terms of the relationship, and she was happy to submit.

I know what you’re thinking, maybe feeling like cursing her, but before you do that, lets take a deeper dig into the relationship. “I always had to apologise for mistakes I didn’t do, and he always had to turn it on me, I’d be the one who would apologise for some of his mistakes because he’s somehow turn it up against me, id just politely let it go, cos there was nothing I could do.

love is beautiful

I’ve had a pretty much tough background, always getting bullied in school and at home, and when i found someone who gave me all that attention and love, i just couldn’t bare loosing that person.”

Tough, isn’t it? Now by the time she came to speak out about it, it was 7 years, and she was even more damaged, and having an abusive boyfriend. Because he always tested what she could take, and used it to ruin her more.This happens on both sides, at times it can also happen to the guys too.

The minute someone else can dictate what you think or low of yourself, you are at their mercy, and that is very dangerous, because that is why most people commit suicide, being unable to come out of that hole that you dug yourself for.

So what am i saying?

Kindness is never supposed to be taken for weakness, as far as i am concerned, kindness is just in-built, like dignity, and being an independent thinker. Love is not always going to be a smooth surface road, and if you are humble and strong enough to see the end of the bumpy, full of animals, dark corners and forest-y roads,it will be worth it, and the effort should apply on both sides.Take it easy on your partners.

Love yours

People don’t come to your life as a full package, you have mistakes here and there, and you help each other to grow. I am not saying to let the other step over you, know their background, their previous love life, their likes and dislikes and you’ll come to a mutual understanding, to avoid disrespect and also in that way, you’ll be able to define yourself.

always own your mistakes

Men and women aren’t born like perfect pictures, and there is nothing like a full package, there is always something that you’ll not like. It is said that you have to tame a lady to be what you’d want your future wife to be, and vice versa: that doesn’t mean beating them or any form of abuse.

Generally, for you to last with someone your gut tells you that they have finally arrived,your soulmate, your better half, (you’ll always feel it in the bones when you meet your significant other) or so they say: will require strong will and faith, alot of independence thinking so that positive things come toboth of your ways.

Love is beautiful, and when you love someone, don’t be afraid to show it, or else someone else will take what is yours, nurture it, and you’ll be scarred forever in regrets of why you didn’t do it.Most of all, remember dignity is the most attractive quality of all.


Kyalo JoyAngela
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