Increase your visibility to Get a Job

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According to research, 1.22 million young people in Kenya are unemployed. Shocking statistics right? What appears to be numbers and statistics to people may be the reality that you are experiencing at the moment. 

You must have gone to re-write all your wrongs (updated your CV to meet the latest standard, updated your cover letter, prepared for interviews, etc.).

After doing all of these, you have still not been able to land a job, not even an interview invite (phew!).

Now, you start to think that the universe is against your landing a job or it is the people that you have wronged in the past. You cannot tell. Well, who knows, when every attempt that you have made to land a job has yielded nothing 

What else could you be doing wrong?

The truth is that you have not been able to land a job not because you are doing something wrong.

With the changes that have affected the world of work in Kenya and the stiff competition for an available job, you need more than a shiny CV to land a job.

Do you know that one attractive job advert attracts at least 250 applications?

Does this mean there will be job candidates far more qualified than you are applying for the same role? Yes!

That is why your CV may not be enough.

I understand that the job search process can be a tiring one. The good news is that: with the right approach, you would be able to stand out amongst other job seekers.

The best approach is to make yourself visible to employers.

“Not again, but how can I do that?”

Do not worry I will tell you the secret.

The easiest way to become more visible to employers searching for job candidates is by completing your profile.

Being more visible to employers that are searching for candidates every day makes your job search easy. Employers are busy, and they want to spend the least possible time searching for job candidates.

Completing your profile up to 100% ensures that you get the most suitable job recommended to you as soon as posted.

It also makes you 5-times more visible to recruiters searching for job candidates in your job field.

Completing your profile helps you stand out from other candidates.


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