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Brenda Ayiemba is a fashion model who uses her art to spread positivity and fun. She’s also a former Miss Tourism Ugenya County 2018/2019 where she used her platform to help her community and also create a positive awareness about modeling. We caught up with the lovely Miss Brenda Ayiemba via mail to get to know more about her.

Kindly share something that you think our readers should know about you?

I am very funny, I brim positivity, I am more about energy than anything else.

Would you consider yourself a creative person?

In fact, if you check my work I am behind most of the concepts. I believe being creative gives you more power when it comes to presenting your work. Your creativity should differentiate you from the rest.

How would you describe your work ethic?

I stay consistent and motivated, that can only mean one thing, I enjoy what I do. It’s fun I tell you.

What does it take to become a model?

A lot of patience and perseverance. Things don’t work within a snap of a finger. Sometimes you gotta be hardcore because some challenges need just that. Another thing, it takes lots of passion, if you do not have the passion for all the glamour, glitz.

Tell us about your experience as a model?

I’ve had a beautiful experience, you know being on mega runways twice is exciting, I have fellow models that look up to me, they love what I do, it inspires them. That’s a beautiful thing, being told your work is loved, being recognized as you did, you are out there representing people who believed in you should be good.

You once won Miss Tourism Ugenya Sub-County 2018/2019. Tell me how did you feel to be recognized?

It felt good, for once I felt like  I had overcome my fears and insecurities.

What’re changes do you feel you brought about to your community?

How being a model is perceived and that you do not need rocket science to one.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the modeling industry?

I mean, look at social media for example I do not need to attend physical classes to learn how to pose or take pictures. I have TikTok and YouTube tutorials to help me with that.

Who do you look up to in the modeling industry?

Professionally and locally Nivea Debra. That lady has gone against all odds to be where she is, she has done so well for herself. It’s admirable.

How do you handle a situation where a photographer does not properly direct you?

Fortunately, I have never been in such a situation first because I work with good photographers, secondly, I always know what is expected of me as a model before I get to the studio. The work still gets done whether I’m directed or not.

Are you signed under any modeling agencies at the moment or are you a freelancer?

I am not signed to any agency right now

Who/What would you say inspires you the most?

My resilience, positivity, and the will to move despite the challenges.

What’s your favorite look? What wouldn’t you go without?

I love being casual, with good make-up on and a smile.

What’s is your dream destination?

Santorini, Greece.

What is your greatest strength, as a model?

I am very optimistic, like too much. It keeps me going.

What’s one advice you would like to give to upcoming models?

Appreciate every step and milestone you make. Do not compare yourself to other models it will kill you. Be very patient, if you are passionate and determined things will work out. Be humble.

Lastly, your social media handles, Where can people reach out to you?

IG: @brenda_ayiemba

FB: Brenda Ayiemba Howardess  



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[…] GET TO KNOW BRENDA AYIEMBA Spread the love […]

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