From Journalism Graduate To Style Maven: Wawasi’s Journey Into Fashion And Diversity

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In an exclusive interview, Wawasi, a journalism graduate with a deep passion for fashion, opens up about her unique journey into the world of style. A collector of outfits inspired by her father’s impeccable taste, she combines her love for globetrotting and fascination for cars to infuse diversity into her content. As a commercial model, she seamlessly balances extroverted and introverted settings, offering a fresh perspective on fashion and lifestyle.

Can you tell us about your journey into the world of fashion and how your Journalism background has influenced your approach to it?

Honestly it hasn’t been easy. It needed me to not give up and be more creative. While Journalism just boosted my creativity on the editting side.

Your Instagram and TikTok are filled with stunning fashion content. What motivates you to continually showcase different outfits and styles?

My love of fashion keeps me going. Am passionate and I love what I do. Honestly that’s the drive we all need.

You mentioned being inspired by your dad’s impeccable style. Can you tell us about a specific outfit or style of his that has left a lasting impression on you?

Not his style 😊 his taste of fashion. Cause he was the one who used to buy us clothes. And there is this one mini denim skirt with a sort of tank top. Ahh I still drool over it 😂

As a collector of outfits, do you have any tips for our readers on building a versatile and stylish wardrobe?

Certainly! Building a versatile and stylish wardrobe is all about balance and smart choices. Here are some tips for your readers:

  1. Invest in Basics: Start with quality basics like plain white and black t-shirts, well-fitting jeans, and a classic blazer. These serve as the foundation for various outfits.
  2. Mix and Match: Choose pieces that can be mixed and matched easily. This extends your wardrobe’s versatility. For example, neutral colors and classic patterns work well.
  3. Quality Over Quantity: It’s better to have a few high-quality items than a closet full of low-quality clothing. Invest in well-made, timeless pieces.
  4. Accessories: Accessories like belts, scarves, and hats can transform an outfit. They’re a cost-effective way to add style.
  5. Comfort Matters: Don’t sacrifice comfort for style. If you’re not comfortable in an outfit, you won’t feel confident.

Being a globetrotter, you must have encountered diverse fashion trends from around the world. Are there any destinations that have left a significant fashion impression on you?

Honestly am a wanna be a globe troller but there are different cultural outfit and design have left me with a lot of hunger (in a good way😊) to own. the South African cultural attire and the ankara from the West of Africa.

You have a fascination for cars. How did this fascination develop, and how does it tie into your broader lifestyle and interests?

So I am a fan of super car blonde and watching her videos I enjoy the stories and legacies associated with these vehicles. I appreciate the sleek, stylish, and sometimes futuristic designs of various car models. Can’t wait to own one of these machines.

Transitioning from journalism to commercial modeling is quite a unique career path. What motivated you to explore modeling, and how do you balance it with your other passions?

I never saw myself being a commercial model due to being thick and curvy. So am still in shock honestly. And me not being able to bag a job in journalism so I had to monetize what I love doing. Am passionate about dancing and it blendes in naturally with modelling.

You mentioned thriving in both extroverted and introverted settings. How do you manage to strike a balance between the two, especially in the modeling industry?

So am an extrovert and introvert depending on the people around me and my surrounding. So it has been so easy for me and helped me not to annoy people I think. and keep people too

Your online presence is a mix of both fashion-related content and insights into your personal life. How do you strike a balance between showcasing your style and maintaining your privacy?

I don’t show my private life that much. I just show what people need to see not want. I show a bit of it so that people can relate and feel am real and human and not perfect cause am not.

Can you provide some insights into your creative process when planning and executing fashion shoots for your social media platforms?

So I plan for content a week before. I write down topics I want to do like if on Monday it’s grwm then Tuesday would be hacks on wearing something. Then I decide on music and if there dances I will need to learn I practice then I batch make them before the week of posting

Social media has become a powerful platform for fashion influencers. What advice would you give to individuals looking to build a presence and express their fashion passion on platforms like Instagram and TikTok?

1.Don’t copy anyone be you.
2.even if you getting two likes just be consistent don’t give up.
3.Don’t take hate comments to heart. Most of these people who hate are your fans they are just jealous you winning.

4.Lastly quality content /clear videos and pictures will always sell

How do you see the fashion industry evolving in the coming years, especially in terms of sustainability and inclusivity?

Mostly in Kenya there is a lot of growth. I have seen more businesses embracing commercial models and even paying better than before and more content creators emmerging . Brands are expanding their size ranges to be more inclusive, catering to a wider range of body shapes.

Shifting gears a bit, your perspective on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) would be valuable. What are your thoughts on this issue, and how do you think individuals and communities can work towards addressing it effectively?

Individuals need to educate themselves on different forms, and the signs of abusive behavior. Be aware of the impact it has on survivors and society. While the community need to promote awareness campaigns and educational programs on GBV within the community, schools, and workplaces. Lastly I think Individuals need to offer a non-judgmental, empathetic ear to survivors. Encourage them to seek professional help and support their choices while the Community need to establish local support networks, such as crisis centers, counseling services, and shelters, to provide assistance to survivors.

In your opinion, what role can the fashion industry play in promoting gender equality and combating issues like GBV?

Feature a diverse range of models in advertising and runway shows, representing various genders, body types, and backgrounds. This promotes inclusivity and challenges traditional beauty standards

Use fashion campaigns to raise awareness about GBV and gender equality. Fashion brands have a broad reach and can influence public opinion.

Invest in the communities where fashion brands operate, supporting local initiatives that combat GBV and promote gender equality.

Are there any initiatives or organizations related to GBV that you support or would like to shed light on?

UN Women: The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women focuses on global gender equality and women’s empowerment, including efforts to combat GBV. Which am an active volunteer.

Kenya girl guide association which am also a part of fights against GBV and teach volunteers on how to support survivors and help them.

Fashion can often be a platform for social change. Have you been part of any projects or campaigns that advocate for gender equality or women’s rights?

Yes I have. I have been but of the World girl guide association GBV advocates where we talk about GBV on social media. And also I participated in the Commission on the status of women-CSW65. That took place from 15 to 26 March 2021.where I had an effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. It happened virtual due to covid but it was held In Paris by Un Nations.

In your opinion, how can individuals, regardless of their profession, contribute to combating Gender-Based Violence in their communities?

1.Gain a deep understanding of GBV, its forms, and its impact.
2.Be a supportive and empathetic friend or colleague to survivors.
3.Share information, resources, and stories on social media or within your social circles. You never know who you’ll reach.
4.Many organizations need volunteers to support their work. Volunteer
5.Men can play a critical role in addressing GBV. Engage other men and boys in discussions about respect, consent, and challenging toxic masculinity.

Finally, what message or advice would you like to share with your followers and our readers regarding the importance of addressing Gender-Based Violence and supporting survivors?

addressing GBV and supporting survivors is not only a moral imperative but also a practical and strategic approach to building healthier, more equitable, and safer communities and societies. It is a collective responsibility that requires the engagement of individuals, communities, and institutions.

Lastly, what are your future aspirations and projects, both in the fashion industry and beyond?

I want to own fashion brand. I also want to collaborate with international brands like Fashionnova and many others

Derrick Mulla

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Manu sparks
Manu sparks
8 months ago

came to see her and the story😊

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