Breaking Barriers and Redefining Beauty: Inside the World of Rising Fashion Model Kanane.z

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As a young and up-and-coming fashion model, Kanane.z is quickly making a name for herself in the industry. With her unique look and undeniable talent, it’s clear that she has a bright future ahead of her.

Growing up, Kanane.z always had a love for fashion and modeling. “Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved trying on different clothes and experimenting with my style,” she says. “I remember always looking at fashion magazines and dreaming of one day becoming a model.”

But Kanane.z also recognizes the importance of staying true to herself and not getting caught up in the industry’s sometimes cutthroat nature. “I think it’s important to stay grounded and remember that modeling is just a small part of who I am,” she says. “I try to focus on being the best version of myself and not getting caught up in any drama or negativity.”

With her hard work, and dedication to her craft, it’s clear that Kanane.z has the potential to become a household name in the fashion world, she is sure to achieve great things in the years to come. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this talented young model. Keep an eye out for this rising model, as she is sure to continue making waves in the industry.

With her striking looks and natural talent, Kanane.z has already worked with some of the top brands and designers in the industry.

In this exclusive interview, Kanane.z shares her journey into the world of modeling, her inspirations, her thoughts on the industry and her goals for the future.

Q: Hi Kanane.z kindly introduce yourself to EpicPulse Magazine’s readers
A: Hi, my name is Everlyne Kanana/ Nana aka Kanane.z. I am 22 years old currently a graduand from Kenyatta University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Statistics and fashion model.

Q: How did you get involved with modeling and what do you love most about being a fashion model?
A: Well it all started while I was in high school. I used to dress up while going to the events that used to happen then like colour festival etc and people would ask me if I’m a model not necessary during the events only but also on my day to day life. That’s when my passion grew. Me and my friends used to dress up like we’d come up with a theme and get clothes that match the theme and go for a shoot. Actually the famous Caleb Okumu was the photographer 😂 yeah that’s where we all grew. From fun projects where we are at the moment. I’m very grateful to him and my friends too, Glow Lornah and Shelmith Kendi.

Q:What fuels your imaginations and provides you with inspiration?
A: Honestly I’d say other models worldwide to say the least inspire me so much . I might see a model on gram or Pinterest wearing a certain clothing and posing in a certain way and I tell myself I have to recreate this look not necessarily the same way but better. Sometimes when I’m meditating I get inspiration and I decide to work on it you know. Like a thought might cross my mind even while I’m working, in short my imagination is wild and and it can happen at any time and place.

Q: Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model?
A: Aki sina interesting story 😂

Q: None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are?
A: I’m very grateful for my sister, she has been a huge supporter of my work and also my manager. When I’m offered work she’s the first person I’d call to advise me . I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her. She’s very wise and I learn things from her too.

Q: What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became a model” and why
A: a)There’s no such thing as working for exposure. This is just a way of a brand taking advantage of you.
b) Do not undersell yourself. Baby you are beautiful and you know your worth.
c) You can say no to a brand if they do not meet your needs. Do not break your back working with a brand and you’re not happy . There are very many brands that can fulfill your needs.
d)there are good days and bad days too when you just feel like giving up but keep going it gets better
e)before signing a contract go through it with a lawyer because you might miss a very crucial detail.

Q: Is there a person in the world, or in Kenya whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why?
A: Rihanna definitely!!. She’s an icon. I mean who wouldn’t want to have breakfast with a whole celebrity!!

Q:There aren’t many models in the country compared to a place like South Africa. Why did you choose to pursue this art and what challenges and achievements have you had so far? How were you able to overcome the challenges?
A: Ever since I was in primary school I fell in love with dressing up. I would steal my mom’s heels and pretend that I’m in a runway 😂 also we used to play modelling competitions with my friends when we were young and that’s when I decided that this is my dream and I have to pursue it.
The biggest challenge that I’m facing right now is looking for more brands to work with. It takes time and effort before a brand wants to work with you but I’m still pushing myself to get brands to notice me.
Achievement: I have worked with so many brands that I’ve wanted to work with and I’m really grateful

Q: You have worked with the most known clothing brand in Kenya Hii Styles. How has it been working with them?
A: Working with Hii style has been so fun. I’ve met very beautiful girls and I’ve also learnt so much from them. It’s a brand that empowers plus size women and at the end of the day it’s all about female empowerment right?

Q: Are you signed to any agency or are you looking to be signed?
A: I am a freelance model at the moment but a friend of mine was telling me to consider working with an agency so I might be signed in future.

Q: Who are your biggest influences and why?
A: Auntynimu, she’s so beautiful she’s aesthetic. She posts wholesome content. I just love her!

Q:If you had the opportunity to work with any designer, brand, photographer, who would it be and why?
A: Funny thing I do not know any designer here😂 brand I would say trendsetter babe they have really beautiful outfits ngl and I think I would look good in them for sure.Photographer I would say Buoart I knowI have worked with him before but he has so many concepts that I would want to do with him.

Q: What would you do if you were scheduled to model an outfit you didn’t like
A: Being a model you meet so many different brand that have their own styles. I have modeled for brands where the clothes don’t meet my aesthetic so you just put a smile on your face and do your best because at the end of the day half bread is better than none.

Q: When working with other models, do you prefer to be friendly or keep things professional?
A: I love making friends I get to learn so much from fellow models too so definitely I prefer being friendly.

Q: If you were to be in a film or music video, who would you like to be cast along with?
A: Oh the famous soniapinto, she’s really pretty and I’d love to meet her too.

Q: Has there been a point in your life where your patience was tested to the chore?
A: Uhm yeah there was a music video I was part of and those people really did us dirty. We were at the venue from 9 am and we left there at 4am. Like they hadn’t planned everything prior hence us leaving late. It reached a time that I really wanted to go home but I was like I have been here the whole day so why would i leave now but my patience was really tested that day.

Q:What has been the turning point in your life?
A: I can’t really say I’ve had a turning point in my life I’m just so grateful that the universe is aligning and working in my favor

Q: Do you have any regrets?
A: There was a time I was so dormant on instagram. If I could turn back time I’d be active and post whatever I had at the moment because at the end of the day being a model is associated with your social media. But I’m still grateful for where I’m at.

Q: What projects are you working on next and what are your goals for the future?
A: I can’t say I have projects I’m working on at the moment but everyday is a new story so look out ☺️. In future I hope that I’ll be working with the brands I’ve been eyeing and photographers too and also do some person projects. I’m putting in the work at the moment so when the time is right I’ll be on a billboard someday inshallah.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in modeling today?
A: Babe imagine just start with what you have. There is never a perfect timing. Be ready for the bad days too because some days you’ll feel like quitting but keep going it’ll all make sense. Oh and take breaks too be a rest is really important.

Q: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know more about you?
A:Oh yeah I’m an introvert so when you meet me out there and I’m acting weird you know why 😂

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this talented young model. Keep an eye out for this rising model, as she is sure to continue making waves in the industry

Follow her on Instagram

Derrick Mulla

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