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Fresh off his new release Hekaya za kaka, Serious Joker is definitely not here to play games. A lyricist full of catchphrases and puns, He is slowly carving out a niche for himself as a lyricist and rapper. We got to catch up with the artist to talk more about his journey into the industry, his music, and his personal life.

Who is Serious Joker?

I am a Singer and Songwriter from Nairobi Kenya.

How did you get into music?

I discovered my love for music at a young age. I would listen to music and try to come up with my own lines. I would later go to high school where I would start writing my own music during my free time. I remember once when the teacher would hand out an assignment on coming up with a poem. I would go on to write a poem so good that the teacher would actually say that it was a copied one. That incident made me realize how good my writing skills are and from there the rest is history.

Describe your Sound?

My sound is a mixture of Urban, Hip-hop, and Drill. I do a lot of feel-good music call me the Good Vibes Ambassador. I also like creating music that speaks to my emotion at the moment involving a perfect blend of jokes and being real hence the name Serious Joker

What is your songwriting process?

I write most of the time on the beat. I get a beat, give it a feel for some time then write the first draft. From there I will now fine-tune the bars and lines to best suit the beat I have and after two or three runs we have a song.

Who are your greatest inspirations in Kenya and Worldwide?

In Kenya, it will have to be Scar Mkadinali. He is the perfect example of a Kenyan who built their craft from the ground up. Scar and his collective (Wakadinali) show that if you put in the work no matter the circumstance, Success will come calling. Worldwide it would have to be the Rap God himself, Eminem. From his penmanship to his delivery he is just a work of art. That is my end goal.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see music being my bread and butter. I see it taking care of my family and putting on my Day ones. I also see myself getting regional if not global recognition for my skills as an artist and songwriter.

What impact has music had on your life?

Music gives me direction and sense of purpose. It feeds my passion for demanding more for myself as an individual and as an artist.

Who would you like to collaborate with on a project in Kenya, Africa, and worldwide?

Only one songstress has me in a chokehold and she is Miss Karun. I feel like she would lace my lines with an unmatched melody that would be out of this world. In Africa, it would be The Giant himself BurnaBoy and worldwide it would be Mr. Slim Shaddy, Eminem.

Talk to us about your latest releases?

I have 2 releases already One is Hekaya za kaka and Mchana Magizani.

Hekaya za kaka is my first in a long line of drill songs. It has a catchy beat and when the bass drops I go in hard. Mchana Magizani is more of a laid-back hip-hop vibe. I tried to do a little something on a chill beat and it sounds great. I like leaving my songs open to interpretation so check them out on Youtube and Spotify then tell me your thoughts.

What can we expect from you before the end of the year?

You can expect a lot more dope hits.

What are you grateful for this year?

As always I am grateful for the Gift of life.  I am grateful for my family and friends who push me to better my craft and write more music. I am also grateful for the growth is have seen this year. Last year I closed it out with only one project but this year I have close to 7 projects released on Youtube.

Eric Maina
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1 year ago

Y’all watch out for this guy🔥🔥💥

1 year ago

Your future is bright,keep pushing brother

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