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Previously on an encounter with a married man

I walked to my house after an hour of narrating this to my best friend who cracked with laughter at the same time and was really worried for me.

When I was inside my apartment, I felt something odd about the temperature. It dropped. I was freezing, there was no network to call my bestie, and to make it worse…no lights. What is this? What’s happening?


I mean, I feel this weird unnerving cold because there isn’t any electricity right? It couldn’t be anything else, it just couldn’t be. They didn’t come for me now, did they?
I decided to call the guy, his name is John.

He wasn’t picking up his phone so I decided to leave a message.
“Hey honey, I can’t sleep, can we video call for a while?”

No response. I waited for 30 minutes there was no response. He must have followed me here, this must be the reason why he couldn’t answer my calls. Was he asleep? What could be going on? I was so scared that I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t a firm believer in religion but I knew there was Allah, so I decided to take my chance. I knelt down and prayed,

“Oh Allah, I know this might seem very weird but please help me. I don’t want to lose my fingers and I promise not to dwell on other people’s businesses because I might face the consequences of this one. Please help me so that I can at least have my lights on “

At this point, I didn’t notice that I was crying. I was so scared that I shook while I was on the floor, fearing for my life. Suddenly, the lights started working again and the cold was gone. I thanked Allah and promised him again that I would not repeat the same mistake ever again.

I got a reply from John but I decided to ignore it and packed my clothes for the next day, and went back to my best friend’s house. I couldn’t sleep in my house tonight although I was sure I prayed.

My best friend was surprised to see me but she understood what had happened earlier, I still told her what happened in my house. She was so shocked that she told me she had a bad feeling about John. But I decided to let it go and get ready for the next day’s presentation and made sure to pray.

I successfully launched a clothes collection the next day, and we had to go out with my friends for celebrating. I have been ignoring John’s calls and messages for the whole day, I was scared and fearing for my life knowing that if I talked to him, I could give myself away with the fact that I had seen something that I wasn’t supposed to see.

We were currently having drinks with my colleagues and I saw a familiar face at the end of the bar staring at us. I nudged my best friend on the side and told her that John and his friends were around. I told her that we should leave before they came to our table but my best friend said it was too late, they were already making their way toward us.

“Hey ladies, can we join you?” He asked with that killer smile that he gave me on the first day he was running beside me in the morning.

His friends looked good, like really good. They gave off the ” Young, attractive, and rich single bachelors” type of vibe. My friends agreed but they didn’t know what my best friend, Amina, and I knew. These men were trouble. We decided to excuse ourselves and leave. The moment we stepped outside the bar after taking a takeaway dinner for ourselves, a voice from behind stopped us, turning around to face them, both of us froze. It was John and his best friend.

“Why are you ladies leaving so early? Aren’t you celebrating? Would you care to let us buy you more drinks?”

to be continued…

Kyalo JoyAngela
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