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Pictures on the wall of several murders which have been occurring for the last five years, his photos with another woman, both in wedding clothes. He had played with my feelings. There was a suspicious pot inside the room covered with a red cloth and as much as I didn’t want to open it, I did. I saw many thumbnails inside, very many of them.

I thought I had seen enough when I saw my picture on the wall with a large red X on my face. I was next. I had to get out of here.


The door opened downstairs and I quickly left the room and came out of the bathroom casually after being fully dressed, finding him dropping his suitcase on the chair next to the sofa in the living room.

“Hey babe I didn’t know you’d be around”, He said

“I wanted to surprise you since it’s been a while since you ate my food so, I decided to cook some chicken and Rice I bought on my way here”, I lied.

My heart was beating so fast, I was in danger, I knew it, I had to keep calm so that he wouldn’t notice that I saw something that I shouldn’t have seen.

He smiled at me, kissed me lightly on my lips, and thanked me. I decided to bring out the food for him and we ate, talking about work and every other thing keeping in mind, that I shouldn’t sleep over in case the wife came back, or at least that’s what I was telling myself.

“Darling, thank you for this delicious meal. Why don’t we spend the night then I can drop you off in the morning for your change of clothes on your way to work?”He asked.

“I’d really love to dear, but tomorrow I have a project to present for the new clothes collection so I can’t really spend the night. It’s a big win for me baby can we reschedule? I promise I’ll make it worth it”, I answered.

I was shaking inside. Damn, why did I even open that door in the first place? I couldn’t even stop thinking my life could end at any minute. I asked if he was okay dropping me off since it was late, and he accepted.

Whew, thank God. I told him an apartment I stay in but not the exact area but my friend’s house just to be safe in case he came looking for me again.
I’d be fingerless by now, I mean that was a close shave

I walked to my house after an hour of narrating this to my best friend who cracked with laughter at the same time, was really worried for me.

When I was inside my apartment, I felt something odd about the temperature. It dropped. I was freezing, there was no network to call my bestie, and to make it worse…no lights. What is this? What’s happening?

to be continued…

Kyalo JoyAngela
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2 years ago

[…] Previously on an encounter with a married man… […]

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