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Gabriel Gift Omusheni better known as Kid Rucha is aUrban Hip-Hop artist based in Nairobi Kenya. His attraction to music began at a very young age. He describes his style of music as eccentric, in that it does not adhere to ‘ordinary’ standards. He is well-rounded when it comes to the subject matter he puts out in his songs. In our segment of Artist to Watch, the 25-year-old artist speaks to us about his passion for music, his music projects, and his upcoming album set to drop this Friday ‘Head In The Sky'(H.I.T.S).

Who is Kid Rucha?

Gabriel Gift Omusheni, professionally known as “Kid Rucha” is a 25 year old Urban Hip-Hop Artist based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is also a telecommunications engineering graduate and techpreneur specializing in cyber security and IoT systems.

How did the stage name come about?

‘Kid’ is the Young One of a Goat. In Urban Slang, GOAT stands for, “Greatest Of All Time” So, Metaphorically, Kid is the Young One of the Greatest Of All Time. That’s what inspired the name ‘Kid’. Rucha comes from one of my many names.

What inspired you to make music?

My attraction to music began at a young age. Influenced by my sisters who were huge fans of RnB Music. They used to listen to the likes of “Boyz2Men”, “Brandy”, “Usher”, and “Westlife”… This made me develop an interest in music to the point where I wished that I could sing.

At 12 years old, I got introduced to rap music. Artists like “Nas”, “Eminem”, “Jay Z”, “Biggie”, “2Pac”, “Bamboo” and “Abbas Kubaff” made me fall in love with Rhythm and Poetry. It wasn’t long after that, that I began writing rhymes of my own. Back in 2012, at a high school talent show, I took to the stage to showcase my budding rap skill. I was ranked third amongst a couple of my peers who were also competing. I immediately conceived in my mind that I had a shot at starting a rap career.  In 2013, a good friend of mine who is also a rapper took me to my first recording studio and I got to release my first-ever song.

These events inspired me to make music.

How would you describe the music you typically create?

The genre of music I do is Urban Hip-Hop/Rap Music. I’d describe my style of music as ‘eccentric’ in that, it does not adhere to the ‘common’ Kenyan industry standards. My verses exhibit a conscious touch with a goal to inspire. However, I am well-rounded when it comes to the subject matter I put out in my raps. Altogether, It’s poetry at its finest with the potential for advancement.

The diction I use in my music is a manifestation of the life I endeavour to lead. Manifestation means creating something or turning something from an idea into a reality – bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.

My thoughts, my feelings, and beliefs are at play here to create this reality for me.

Through these thoughts, I’m putting in writing ( my lyrics, my songs) I can make my dreams and desires a reality. It’s the Law of Attraction. I base my songs on this law.

Describe your creative process when you write new music?

Every artist has their own unique creative process that works for them. I typically begin by generating a vision of what I want to create. I then look for inspiration. Normally, I do this by playing my favorite songs in the background as I take myself through a brain-storming exercise. Depending on the emotion I decide to focus on, I think in terms of words, metaphors, and rhythm. I then simply flow into the next steps which are the creation and later reflection.

I see songwriting as a habit. It comes naturally to me. I chose to let it be a lifestyle. I achieved this by doing it consistently. The songs I have composed so far are good but I know that my best songs are yet to come. I choose to bask in the glow of possibilities.

What are you most proud of as an artist to date?  

As an artist, I am proud of the fact that I have never given up, despite all the challenges and obstacles I have faced since I started out. My patience, resilience, and determination amaze me.

What’s the biggest highlight of your career thus far?

The biggest highlight of my career would be when I won the Round 6 of the Bar4Bar Rap League that used to be hosted at The Alchemist by Barack Jacuzzi. This was back in 2017. However, like a drug addict, I am chasing an even greater High that is yet to come!

What has been the most challenging aspect of your current releases?

The most challenging aspect of my current releases is the finances. From paying for studio time to marketing the ‘end product’, the whole process is a hustle. It requires the artist to sacrifice a lot! As much as talent and hard work is important to make it in music, finances also count big time!

You have several album releases and now you have a new one on its way. Mind shading some light about it and when it will be released?

The Album “Head In The Sky” (H.I.T S) is about Purpose, Focus & Attitude. It could be associated with Thee Eagle’s Mentality. The eagle has great vision & it’s fearless. The album appears to tell you to have a vision and remain focused in your life no matter the obstacles and challenges you may face.

The Album presents me as a person who possesses a goal-oriented mindset and nothing can serve as a destruction to prevent me from reaching my dreams.  I am overly focused on concentrating my thoughts and plans, shedding off things that limit my progress.

The Album also evokes notions about faith, hope, and clearness, further illustrating the potential for a new beginning on my Horizon – A new phase in my life. As depicted on the album cover art, It’s my Graduation. My Graduation from a rapper into an Artist. My Transformation into something Greater. I’m at a point in my career where I am making Art on a Professional Level and it doesn’t matter how others perceive it because to me, it is Beautiful, Authentic & Unique!

The Album has in it, 14 tracks that won’t bore you to death! It is set for release on the 25th of November, 2022 this coming Friday.

What inspired you to create this album?

My music is inspired by my life experiences. Often, in my songs, I speak about the kind of life I endeavor to lead.

Did you collaborate with other artists? And if yes how many people were involved in the creation of the album?

I had a few collaborations. The artists on the album are my good friends.

Nkatha, a talented female vocalist from Nairobi, Hanta The Samurai and  Gold Triggah, two dope rappers from Nairobi, and a JustJeff, a dope male vocalist from the duo, N.J Music.

Most of the records on the album were produced by Producer Cosmic of Namba Nane Music. I also had Clue Beats produce two records and Producer Wesley of Real Me Records produce three tracks too.

You also own a studio? If we were to peek over your shoulder, what does your studio look like? What gear do you typically use?

My studio is in the making. Since last year, I have been purchasing the equipment. The high-quality ones are really expensive and those ones are the ones I am going for so it will take a little more time before the set-up is complete. I however project that mid-next year, the studio will be up and running.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

The internet has made it easy for people all over the world to discover and consume music. Social media platforms are great for marketing digital content to people all over the world. Digital Streaming Platforms like Spotify pay handsomely for music streams. The internet has had a positive impact on the music business!

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would hope that someday the industry ‘gatekeepers’ would stop stealing from the musicians. I would wish those music corporations responsible for collecting musicians’ royalties be more honest and fair. From music royalties to the record label deals given to newly signed artists, it would be wonderful to see the artist paid exactly what they deserve. It would be great to see really talented musicians celebrated because it’s evident that those that are endowed with less talent are often hyped.

What’s next for you?

After the album, the plan is to make more music, great music! I know my music is good but, it could be great! The grind never stops. I am looking to do more collaborations with already ‘popping’ artists. I plan to launch ‘G Sonic Studios’ as a label under which I’ll be signed and hopefully put young, promising, artists under my wing.


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